The Marie Kondo Effect

Feb 19, 2019, 13:48 PM

If you’re one of the many devotees of Marie Kondo’s method thanks to the popularity of the adorable declutter queen’s Netflix show Tidying Up, you’re probably spending nights and weekends with all your clothes piled onto the bed wondering what items spark joy. 

At the Jacksonville Home and Patio Show, we’re right there with you. The onset of spring brings to mind spring cleaning as it is, so we turned to one of our resident experts in organization for her best tips to tackle organization. Karen Duncan, Certified Professional Organizer® and  Productive Environment Specialist™ and owner of Organized Home/Organized Office appears on the Inspiration Stage on the show to share her advice on organizing ahead of a home remodel, but before she does we picked her brain to get her guidance on embarking on a home declutter:  

  • Ask yourself why you are organizing. This will help you keep on track.  Be mindful about why you are organizing - is it for peace of mind, to save time, to save money, to feel good about your home or office, or to set an example for your children? This will keep you focused.
  • Formulate a plan. Karen suggests: 
    • Set manageable time blocks - 1-4 hours
    • Select area or space - choose where you have quick win or sense of accomplishment or tackle an area that causes most stress
    • Envision the end result - determine what you want the space to look like and how will it function.
    • Identify your habits or style - open and visual or closed and hidden?
  • Start organizing!  
    • Declutter and sort - start by category within the general area you are working on. ie: kitchen - all dishes, all pots and pans, all stovetop gadgets; clothing - all socks, all dressy blouses or shirts, all workout gear
    • Space plan - Assign homes for each category
    • Determine organization tools and containers needed for the space - baskets, drawer dividers, boxes, etc.
    • Maintain your system - needs change over time

To hear more of Karen’s expert advice, see her onstage on the Jacksonville Home + Patio Show or visit her website at, or follow her on Instagram @jacksonville_organizer or on Facebook @Organized Home, Organized Office.

FEB. 28 - MARCH 3, 2019